Sukh Sandhu

Sukh has been working in the VET and Higher Education Industry for over 20 years. In this time, he has held several roles with RTO’s including CEO roles for International Colleges and National Compliance and Quality Assurance Manager roles for several RTO’s, TAFE’s and Universities. Sukh has also worked for ASQA as a Business Systems Project Official.

Sukh has had extensive project management experience in risk management, compliance, administration and as a training consultant. He has extensive knowledge in government compliance standards and has participated in nearly one hundred audits across Australia and provided consultancy advice regarding ASQA/VRQA, TEQSA, ACPET, DET-HESG, VQF/Higher Education, ELICOS, NEAS, ANMAC, AHPRA, CRICOS, ESOS and ISO.

Sukh is a member of several independent professional organisations and government bodies including, ACPET, VELG, ACS, AITD, MARA, MIA, ISANA, APEX, IEEE, The Internet Society (Global Member), AISIP, IAMOT, ACM, OISV, APACALL, IWA, Eta Kappa Nu, EDSIG and several others.

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